Estonian national event "IWAMA final seminar and sludge compost certification" was held in Saku, Estonia on 11 April 2019 to disseminate project results and lessons learned to local stakeholders.
Presentations from the event introducing IWAMA project and recent trends in water management are available in Estonian.
The national dissemination event for spreading information about IWAMA project to local stakeholders – seminar "New solutions for water management" was held inKaunas, Lithuania on 5 April 2019. This event was organized by Environmental Center for Administration and Technology (ECAT-Lithuania) in cooperation with the Institute of Hydraulic engineering of Vytautas Magnus University Agricultural Academy.
The Swedish national dissemination event was held in Kalmar, Sweden, on 10 April 2019 under the topic of Collaboration and opportunities for future water and sludge management: focus on IWAMA project.
Presentations from the event introducing IWAMA project and recent trends in water management are available in Swedish.
Celebrating World Water Day, IWAMA project held one of five national dissemination events on 19 March 2019 at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. “Southwest Finland's Water Day” gathered altogether 60 participants representing municipal decision-makers, academia, private companies, water utilities and wastewater treatment plants providing a forum for discussion on the local water expertise in the context of global trends, existing institution competence and education and capacity development needs.
The first national dissemination event took place on 28 February in Rostock, Germany, gathering over 75 participants representing water companies and wastewater treatment plants, academia and research institutes as well as technology providers and engineering companies.
The event provided thematic and functional background of the transnational IWAMA activities, and presented in details the achievements of German partners.