With the Final Conference held last month, IWAMA project activities have entered their last stage, which means that now it is the time to intensify promoting the results reached through extensive three year transnational cooperation to the target groups and intended end-users. Our project approached this process through the series of national dissemination events aimed at wastewater sector professionals in five countries around the Baltic Sea rim – Germany, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Sweden. To bring these results closer to everyday use in working practices, IWAMA partners have already/ or will have soon/ translated majority of the outputs in their own languages. So the events will be held in the working language of the target groups as well.
First such event took place on 28 February in Rostock, Germany, hosted by the DWA German Association for Water, Wastewater, and Waste (North-East). It gathered over 75 participants representing water companies and wastewater treatment plants, academia and research institutes as well as technology providers and engineering companies. The event provided thematic and functional background of the transnational IWAMA activities, and presented in details the achievements of German partners – energy benchmark and audit concept developed by the Technical University of Berlin, lifelong learning practices implemented by DWA, advanced control system piloted by the Grevesmuhlen WWTP and decision-making tool for optimized operation developed by Aqua&waste. Several more localized solutions were presented by the water company Sudholstein, sludge handling company of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Water Competence Center from Berlin. All the presentations and Q&A sessions contributed to supporting the ongoing discussion about reducing the nutrient loads to the Baltic Sea while operating energy efficient technologies and applying advanced and suitable sludge handling practices.
The presentations from the event as well as a small photo-gallery can be found on the website of the DWA regional group North-East.
Next national dissemination event takes place in Turku, Finland, bringing together decision-makers and WWTP operators and managers for the Regional Water Day.