Structured lifelong learning in the wastewater sector is crucial for improving the state of the Baltic Sea and reducing the pollution load. Capacity development and lifelong learning tools developed by Lahti University of Applied Sciences, the Leader of the Work Package on capacity development, enhance regional cooperation of the wastewater sector actors, help wastewater treatment operators develop their activities and capacities, and boost expertise exchange supporting smart development of the Baltic Sea Region.
Tested training materials on smart energy and sludge management for improved energy efficiency and nutrient removal
Capacity development actions implemented in the IWAMA project aimed at increasing the opportunities for lifelong learning in the field of the wastewater management, particularly for WWTP operators. Capacity building was fulfilled through sharing and developing of expertise, exchanging methods to deliver and receive knowhow, researching national synergies and increasing international interactivity.
The activities during the IWAMA project were structured to support capacity development, and specific lifelong learning tools were elaborated based on established needs and requirements of WWTPs. The IWAMA workshops and webinars created an international platform where different actors could share their experience, knowledge and practices among different level actors (e.g. operators, authorities, scientists, suppliers). National knowledge based communities formed in the project have planned how to continue the work after IWAMA to insure durability of the achieved results.
Several lifelong learning tools were specifically designed in the project: WWTP game, electronic Training Materials Package with the virtual testing, and a publication of lifelong learning opportunities and challenges. These tools promote the idea of lifelong learning as voluntary and self-motivated learning with the possibility for feedback. The tools include the option of collecting data, which in turn can be utilized for further development of lifelong learning facilities.
Screenshot of the WWTP game developed in the project
Capacity development and dissemination of lifelong learning tools have enhanced the regional cooperation of the wastewater sector actors. Knowledge has been shared through the IWAMA project-related meetings, where local actors exchanged their experiences co-creating new ideas and solutions for improving the nutrient take off and reuse regarding the sludge from the WWTPs. IWAMA knowhow and lifelong learning tools are also utilized in the educational programmes of different universities and vocational institutes around the Baltic Sea Region.
Report: Lifelong learning and wastewater treatment in the Baltic Sea Region
Translation: Непрерывное обучение и очистка сточных вод в регионе Балтийского моря (RU)
Report: Evaluation of Capacity Development Activities | HQ (for printing)