In the early December 2016 the first webinar was organized in the framework of the IWAMA project. The webinar was focused on resource efficiency, including also capacity development in the project and presentation of the previous projects. Materials from the webinar are available online.
The current state of recognized needs in the wastewater treatment sphere has been developed over the course of several projects. During the webinar, Olena Zinchuk, the project coordinator in the Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission, held the presentation “State of art based on previous projects”. Olena introduced the network of the Union of the Baltic Cities, which is the lead partner of IWAMA, and the results of three projects preceding IWAMA: PURE, PRESTO and LearnWater. These projects have been launched since 2009, in different ways tackling the question of pollution in the Baltic Sea. The projects delivered varied and important outputs that can today be used both as technical databases and tools, and as sources of inspiration for making investments and audits.
Further, Sami Luste from the Lahti University of Applied Sciences introduced the results of the capacity development questionnaire collected during the IWAMA event. Based on this information, capacity development needs were formulated to be implemented later in the project.
The webinar, which was aimed at professionals in the wastewater sphere, also featured an extensive presentation “Enhancing energy and resource efficiency in waste water treatment” by the specialist from the Aalto University, PhD Anna Mikola. Anna Mikola explained general trends in energy of the wastewater treatment and provided valuable examples from the Baltic Sea Region that illustrated different options of approaching resource efficiency.
This webinar was the first of the series that will be organized throughout the project.