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Earlier this year the IWAMA project joined the BSR WATER — Platform on Integrated Water Cooperation. The platform project funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme aims to enhance continuous cross-sectoral cooperation in smart water management providing a possibility for transnational experience exchange, sharing of good practices and solutions, as well as delivering comprehensive overview of the current and future policy contexts and their impacts in the BSR countries.

By its nature, the BSR WATER platform brings together prominent and influential projects relevant to its topic of knowledge exchange for improving the state of the Baltic Sea, developing smart water policies and management. Therefore, the platform consortium unites IWAMA with iWater (Integrated Storm Water Management), BEST (Better Efficiency for Industrial Sewage Treatment), VillageWaters (Water emissions and their reduction in village communities), ManureStandards (Advanced manure standards for sustainable nutrient management and reduced emissions), RBR (Reviving Baltic Resilience), as well as CliPLivE (Climate Proof Living Environment). The projects involved in the cooperation for the better future of the water sector are funded from Interreg Baltic Sea Region, Interreg Central Baltic and South Baltic Programmes, and South East Finland-Russia ENPI.

Last week, the BSR WATER platform project has successfully kicked-off in the city of Riga with a three-day event of careful planning the platform project implementation based on the expertise of partners, focuses and outputs of the involved projects and indicated aims to achieve through the platform cooperation.

The work of BSR WATER is coordinated by the Lead Partner UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The policy development work is supported by HELCOM focusing in the project on facilitating regional policy dialog on sustainable water management by developing recommendations for nutrient recycling and hazardous substances. Apart from the policy work, the platform project plans to synthesize good practices, solutions and expertise on water management based on the achievements of the projects around the Baltic Sea Region, and to stream these practices engaging stakeholders into the platform cooperation.