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The 5th Capacity Development Workshop was organized in Kalmar, Sweden, on 13–15 June 2018.


Agenda of the Workshop


Presentations on the Kalmar WWTP

Qing Zhao | Presentation of Kalmar WWTP | SE

Roger Walde | Presentation of the design of the new WWT plant | SE


Nutrient reduction and recovery

Jyrki Laitinen | Keynote on importance of nutrient recovery from circular economy perspective | Video | FI

Ludwig Hermann | Overview of the activities of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform | Video | BE

Matthias Barjenbruch | Overview of process engineering approaches to phosphorus recovery | Video | DE

Bernd Kalauch | Phosphorus and Nitrogen removal from the sludge water stream: technologies and practical experiences | DE


Selected case studies in Baltic Sea Region

Andreas Dünnebeil | Activating of the digester with thermal chemical hydrolysis and recovering of nitrogen | Video | DE

Arttu Laasonen | PAKU-process – Thermal treatment of sludge and phosphorus recovery process | Video | FI

Inga Grinfelde | Piloting phytoremediation of a site with the use of sludge in circular economy context | Video | LV

Jyri Koivisto | Sludge treatment as soil improver for agricultural purposes | Video | FI


Examples of nutrient recycling in Sweden

Gunnar Thelin | Resource Water Recycling Plant – a new paradigm for waste water treatment and nutrient recycling | SE

Gunnar Bergström | Biomanure: nutrient cycle in society | SE

Susanna Minnhagen | Mussel farms counteracting eutrophication | Video | SE


Neighbourhoods session

Matthias Barjenbruch | Nutrient removal, chaired by the Technical University of Berlin | DE


Next project event

Monika Piotrowska-Szypryt | Teaser for next event: Workshop on Constructional and Operational Challenges in Gdansk, Poland | PL