Regional benchmark for smart energy and sludge handling in wastewater treatment
In the course of the IWAMA project, two comparative benchmarks were developed: in smart energy and sludge management. With more than 65 plants contributing with answers, the benchmarks evaluated energy consumption, information about the loads to be treated and treatment efficiency, general inflow parameters and overall sludge treatment situation. This work was coordinated by the partners from Technical University of Berlin and University of Tartu supporting respectively the energy and sludge focuses of smart wastewater management in the project. The answers were collected from Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Germany.
Collecting the key figure data from WWTPs in the region was done through a questionnaire listing different parameters of plans. If you are interested in the questionnaire applied for the benchmark development, please download the Excel file and find a video providing instructions on how to use it.
The results of the benchmarking the wastewater treatment performance were published as two reports on key figure data collection in energy and sludge from wastewater treatment plants in the Baltic Sea Region. Main key figures are displayed in user-friendly graphs, offering the opportunity to calculate respective values and compare.
The reports on key figure data support water sector professionals in the Baltic Sea Region providing general information on the regional situation, technical details on the processes applied in the region, and supporting decision-making process. Benchmarking of the status of wastewater treatment plants helps in detecting possible performance gaps that can be further improved. Large deviations from the regional average indicate a demand for a detailed energy audit in order to identify the potentials for energy optimization in the treatment process. For this purpose, free self-audit tools were developed in the project.
Report: Key figure data for energy efficiency
Translations: Kennzahlenvergleich zur Energieeffizienz (DE)
Wskaźniki porównawcze efektywności energetycznej (PL)
Galvenie skaitliskie dati energoefektivitātei (LV)