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Audit concept for smart energy and sludge management

The audit tools and smart energy and sludge management were developed to measure the effectiveness of the process applied at wastewater treatment plants and outline the potential for improvements of these plants.

Download the tools and apply them to adjust energy consumption and sludge handling at your WWTP!

Energy self audit tool and Smart sludge management audit tool are available in English, Estonian, German, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish and Russian.

Audit meeting 3

The plant operators and WP leaders from Technical University of Berlin and University of Tartu have gathered last week in Berlin to discuss the results, receive feedback and agree on contents of the Audit Reports that are part of the upcoming smart audit concept outputs. 

IWAMA Workshop in Gdansk

The IWAMA project has organized six extensive workshops throughout its duration, each focusing on a particular topic, recognized by partners as essential in the continuous process of capacity development in the wastewater treatment sector. The project covered subjects of energy consumption and production, sludge handling, reduction of nutrients – and most recently, existing challenges in maintenance of plants.


Pilot investment: Combined anammox-constructed wetland pilot-plant in Gdansk wastewater treatment plant

Investment in Gdansk aims to develop and test energy efficient and cost-effective concept uniting processes that require low energy consumption treatment. The investment includes a combined anammox-constructed wetland pilot plant and additional energy meters installed at the WWTP. The examined technology focuses on minimizing energy consumption for the removal of organics and nutrients while maximizing recovery of organic matter from wastewater to produce renewable energy.

Pilot investment in Gdansk

One of the IWAMA pilot investments supporting the smart energy management is a combined anammox-constructed wetland pilot-plant in Gdańsk, Poland. As the plant has almost finished installing the purchased equipment and soon will be ready to start testing, we are sharing their pilot solution.

During the last week of April the IWAMA student audit group met in Gdańsk, Poland for the third wave of audits.