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Last year the IWAMA project joined BSR WATER — Platform on Integrated Water Cooperation. The platform project aims to enhance continuous cross-sectoral cooperation in smart water management. Learn how you can cooperate through it further in the region!

IWAMA project consortium

IWAMA project started back in March 2016 – with ambitious goals and results we wanted to achieve to improve the state of the Baltic Sea. After three intensive years of joint implementation of activities in ten countries, testing and learning from each other, we are extremely happy and proud to share a wide collection of produced outputs with our colleagues in the region. Equipped with strong partnership enthusiastic to bring the change to their workplace and the region; with a steadily expanding pool of external stakeholders closely involved in cooperation we are ready to overcome water challenges across the borders.

The IWAMA project Final Conference organized on 30.1.–1.2. in Turku brought together more than 100 participants to discuss the wastewater sector and how to make it smart and efficient.

Check materials from the conference: presentations and the photo gallery are now available!

Växjö Water Forum

The IWAMA Water Forum took place on 23–24 October 2017 in Växjö, Sweden, and attracted almost 80 participants from cities, research institutions, water utilities and environmental centers. This event was focused on bringing attention to the needs of the water sector in the Baltic Sea Region and launching the online portal Baltic Smart Water Hub.