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In the course of the project, IWAMA organizes four capacity development webinars to allow training and discussions on particular topics in the wastewater field. The second webinar was organized on 23 May 2017, materials are available in the respective section on our website.

The webinar featured two presentations. The first one, “Utilizing data and sensors in the biological wastewater treatment” was introduced by Dr. Henri Haimi from the Finnish Consulting Group. It is visible in the region that WWTPs need to be equipped with more advanced automation solutions because of the tightening requirements for treatment and increasing demand on efficient use of the plant capacity in the view of changing technologies and raising operational costs. In his presentation, Dr. Haimi approached the questions of existing instruments for automation and further touched upon the processes of monitoring, controlling and modelling. The presentation also contained future perspectives recognizable for the field.

Another presentation was given by Sandra Haase from the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA). The presentation “Technical Safety Management” focused on showcasing the unit existing under the DWA structure that provides a procedure for self-evaluation of companies regarding their technical standards and qualification. The aim of TSM is to enable compliance with legal and technical requirements in the field.


Next webinar will be organized in September 2017 – the date and time will be specified closer to the event.