The 4th Capacity Development Workshop was organized in Tartu, Estonia, on 8–9 February 2018.
Sludge legislation session
Toomas Kapp | Tartu Veevärk | EE
Claus-Gerhard Bergs | EU perspective and German legislation concerning sludge | Video | DE
Ari Kangas | Sludge legislation in Finland: sludge based fertilizer products for agricultural use | Video | FI
Vallo Lemmiksoo | Estonian legislation and certification system, basis for End of Waste for sewage sludge | Video | EE
Sludge handling perspectives
Egge Haiba | Pharmaceuticals in municipal sludge – is it a real threat or should they be ignored? | Video | EE
Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky | HELCOM vision to sewage sludge handling and recycling of nutrients | Video | FI
Session on new sludge handling technologies and case studies
Peter Hartwig | Effect of thermal and chemical hydrolysis on sludge dewatering, drying and incineration | Video | DE
Steen Nielsen | Sludge treatment in reed beds – state of the art through 30 years of experience | Video | DK
Nils Jäger | Production of synthetic fuels and green hydrogen from sludge (TO-SYN-FUEL) | DE
Final use practices
Mikko Wäänänen | Final use practices – case Helsinki region | FI
Mait Kriipsalu | End of Waste for sewage sludge in Estonia | Video | EE
Harald Plank | Recycling sewage sludge ash for agricultural application in Germany | Video | DE
William Hogland | Teaser for the next event: 5th IWAMA CD Workshop on Nutrient reduction and recovery in Kalmar, Sweden | SE